Previous Campaigns


2019 Legislative Priorities


HB 1344 | SB 5436 ECEAP Expansion

  • Expands early childhood education (like       pre-school and kindergarten) across the state

SB 5489 Healthy Environment for All

  • Also known as the HEAL Act, this bill would commit state agencies to adopt the perspective of environmental justice in their work by requiring them to use current environmental health data in their decisions

SB 5339 Death Penalty Repeal 

  • Formally codifies the repeal of the death penalty into law

HB 1728 | SB 5258 Sexual Harassment Protection for Isolated Workers

  • Requires employers to provide sexual harassment training for vulnerable workers such as late night hotel housekeepers and office managers, as well as a list of resources that they can contact in the event of harassment. 

SB 5497 Keep Washington Working Act   

  • This bill would prevent local law enforcement agencies from collaborating with ICE to threaten our community by forbidding local police officers from asking about immigration status, detaining suspected noncitizens on behalf of ICE, and notifying ICE if a noncitizen is in custody.    

HB 1041 New Hope Act

  • This bill will streamline the process for people released from prison to get back their rights and remove past crimes from criminal records for good behavior after release 

HB 1340 | SB 5354 Washington College Promise Scholarship    

  • Establishes a new program for guaranteeing financial aid to low-income students across the state for college

HB 1612 | SB 5602 Reproductive Health Access for All   

  • Creates a state program for providing reproductive health access for people currently not covered, such as immigrants, transgendered, and gender non-binary 

HB 1603 | SB 5684 TANF Reform  

  • Loosens the restrictions on which families are able to access Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits and increases the length of time families are able to receive benefits

HB 1697 Health Coverage for Young Adults 

  • Expands health coverage for youth across the state to include undocumented youth

HB 1282 | SB 5328 Driver’s License Suspension Assistance  

  • Amends current law so that people who fail to respond to a traffic violation notice or court hearing no longer have their driver's license suspended

Toxic-Free Future: Stop the Use of Toxic Flame Retardants in Children's Nap Mats


Toxic-Free Future: Petition Washington Department of Health to Ban Toxic Flame Retardants



Thank you for joining us at Latino Legislative Day! We had 350 youth leaders and over a thousand community members come to advocate for their communities from across the state. 




Yes on 1631

Initiative 1631 is a proposal on the ballot in November that keeps the biggest corporate polluters accountable for the pollution they send directly into our communities.

Initiative 1631 will require that these companies pay a fee on the pollution they produce in order to pay for the damage it does to our communities and environment. The money raised from the fee will be invested directly into cities and towns that are most impacted by the effects of climate change pollution and fund projects that ensure clean energy and a healthier environment for future generations.

This initiative was put together with input from over 300 organizations, representing every community and people, and has been endorsed by many more, including businesses, faith groups, health associations, and social advocacy organizations like Latino Community Fund. Together, we have helped create the largest coalition in Washington State history to support this initiative and take back control of our future from the hands of big corporations. 

Progreso Latino Progress is proud to be part of the coalition supporting Initiative 1631 and clean energy in our region. For too long, our state has been dependant on dirty fuel that is harmful to our environment and impacts our communities.

Learn more at and vote YES on Initiative 1631 on November 6th.      

Initiative 1631 will:       

  • Protect our communities health

  • Invest in clean energy

  • Create thousands of local jobs

  • Establish a fee on the largest corporate polluters

  • Fund local initiatives to prepare for climate change

When we work together, we can win!


FAmilies Belong Together

What's Happening:* 


  • 206 asylum seekers were transferred to the Federal Detention Center (FDC) in Seatac, Washington 

    • 45 asylum seekers are parents who have been separated from their children. 

  • On June 20th, Immigration and Customs Enforcement reported that 36 of the asylum seekers had been transferred to Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington. 

  • Since July 14th, 24 of these parents have been released on bond.

    • As of July 24th, 12 parents have been reunited with their children.


  • Around 2,300 of those children had been separated from their parents and were held by the government in shelters around the country.
  • As of August 1st, up to 463 children have been deemed "ineligible" for returning to their families because their family has already been deported
  • The court deadline to return all separated children into their families was July 26th

Sources: NWIRPWashington PostABCNBC, Vox


Take Action:

1. Call your legislators


2. Join Progreso and vote in the general election on November 6th

  • This administration looks closely at voting numbers and polls, so please remember to vote!

3. Attend a Get Out the Vote event

  • Keep a lookout for canvassing and phone banking events on the Calendar and sign up to volunteer by clicking HERE.

4. Donate to local and national organizations providing legal help assistance to separated families

  • For a list of organizations assisting in reuniting families, go to the Latino Community Fund of Washington website by clicking HERE 

5. Sign our petition to stop family separation HERE